24 Sep 23
Tesco Christmas Collection Days 2023
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We will be having our annual Tesco Christmas Collection days on Friday 1st December & Saturday 2nd December 2023. Please come along and donate if you can. If you would like to get involved and volunteer on these days, that would be greatly appreciated too. You can contact us via Facebook or call us on […]
24 Sep 23
Massive Thank You to DF Capital Bank!!!!!
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We would like to pass on a huge THANK YOU to Carl, Kev, Bethany, Eleanor, Michelle, Callum & Alex from DF Capital Bank, for their ongoing fantastic support. This week was our annual stock take and we could not have done it without them. The invaluable help they provide, not only to stock take but […]
1 Feb 23
We Need You!!! Could You Spare Some Time To Volunteer?
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Can you spare time on a Monday or Tuesday to volunteer? We need helpers to: Collect weigh, sort & store donated food from local supermarkets Anyone with good people skills, admin or organisational skills We need volunteers who can drive & lift please. Please can you help with this vital work to ensure we […]
8 Oct 22
Why We Work With Referral Agencies
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WHY WE WORK WITH REFERRAL AGENCIES October 2022 Here at Irlam and Cadishead foodbank for clients to get a food voucher we use a referral system. So to get help you will need to be referred to us by one of our local partners, Citizen’s Advice Bureau, local schools, Health Visitors, GP surgeries and other […]
16 Aug 22
We Are Moving!!!!!
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Irlam and Cadishead Foodbank is moving from Boundary Road Methodist Church to our new home at St Joseph The Worker Church, Cutnook Lane, Irlam. You can drop any donations on a Monday between 12 & 1.30pm starting 5th September 2022. We will open to clients from Tuesday 29th August between 9.30 & 12.30pm If you […]
19 Nov 21
Thanks To Our Amazing Local Community.
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The volunteers of the local Foodbank would like to say a massive thank you for all the generous donations during our three day collection at our local Tesco. The items collected will definitely make a great difference within our community. We are kindly asking for a little list of items to go towards our […]
29 Aug 21
Foodbank Re-Opening
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Foodbank will be opening on Tuesday 7th September between 9.30am and 12.30pm. Coffee/tea and biscuits will be on offer as well as a chat before we offer a food parcel. We will no longer be delivering unless absolutely necessary. Referral vouchers will be required which are available from schools, GPS, social workers or Citizens Advice. […]
14 Jul 21
Annual Tesco Collection July 2021
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Our annual food collection at Tesco has come around again. Our collection dates in store are: Thursday 15th July Friday 16th July Saturday 17th July Here is a list of items we are currently running low on: Long life milk Custard Tinned fruit Smashed powdered potato Powdered milk Cordial fruit juice Deodorants (Men & […]
23 Dec 15
6 Unexpected Things Foodbanks Need
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A visit to the food bank isn’t exactly a traditional Christmas activity, but one UK charity is asking for a little extra help this month, when demand is at its highest and families are choosing between eating and heating.
8 Dec 15
Why Would a Mum Doing a Business Degree Find Herself Begging on the Streets This Winter?
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With Christmas approaching, Michele from Brent Foodbank shares how she’s helping to make the festive season special for those struggling. “For the past few days I haven’t been to the street begging for money to buy food for me and my baby…” This was what a mother at Brent Foodbank told us recently. She was […]